Monday, July 6, 2009

CKME Marketing Tips 101: Marketing Plan Tips

Sometimes business professionals get so wrapped up with new ways to market that they forget about the basics. While the internet and social media have opened up some great doors, it still is important to have a balanced marketing plan.

Small businesses typically have a limited marketing budget. That doesn't mean you can't run with the big dogs. It just means you have to think a little more creatively. Here are some tips that go back to the basics:

  • Call your vendors or associates and ask them to participate with you in co-op advertising.
  • Send your existing customers referrals and buying incentives.
  • Have you thought about introducing yourself to the media? This free publicity has the potential to boost your business and position you as an expert in your field.
  • Invite people into your place of business by piggybacking onto an event. Is there a concert coming to town? Are you willing to sell those tickets? It could mean free radio publicity. If that is not your cup of tea, how about a walkathon that is taking place in your area? Why not be a public outreach and distribute their material?
  • Attend chamber or other networking events and bring business cards. Make sure to send a follow up email or card to those you meet within 24 hours. (Remember to add them to your LinkedIn network.)

Whatever you choose to do, do not forget to track & measure your marketing efforts. This enables you to notice what's working and what's not.

When was the last time you evaluated your marketing plan?

Have a marketing question? Send me an email to, also don't forget to check out to learn more about our LinkedIn Live networking events.

Chris Kokalis
CKME Group Inc.
414-755-2410 Milwaukee Office
310-492-5058 LosAngelesOffice

Edited by Brenda Bernstein,