The way business is being conducted is changing. No longer can you do everything on your own.
Having a large network on LinkedIn can be beneficial whether you use the site to network, look for a job, or market your business. Having a large network makes you a resource for others with whom you can share information. You will also be able to utilize the expertise of the people you are connected with, and to create possibilities for business transactions.
I am by no means saying you need to have 15,000 direct connections to make LinkedIn worthwhile; however, there is nothing wrong with having a large network. The way I look at it, every connection could be beneficial in one way or another. When anyone sends me a connection request, I look over their profile. Nine times out of ten, I connect.
Below are five tips to help you expand your LinkedIn network:
1. Give value. I have talked about this before in past blog posts. If people view you as someone who provides valuable information or if you are always paying it forward, you will receive countless invites to connect. Share news articles, information, expertise, and give advice, and you will draw others to you.
2. Utilize the features LinkedIn offers to import contacts from Yahoo, Hotmail, Outlook, and other web mail contacts. These are the people you already know. The process is very simple and LinkedIn walks you through it.
3. Invite people you meet to join your network. One of the first things I do after I attend a networking event is invite the individuals I got business cards from to connect with me on LinkedIn. Often these individuals already have profiles; if they don't, you may have just introduced them to the power of LinkedIn!
4. Ask for introductions. If you come across someone on LinkedIn who is connected to someone you know, and you want to connect with them, utilize the introduction feature. LinkedIn makes this a very simple process.
5. Join groups. I have found that groups are one of the easiest ways to expand my network. Groups offer a platform where you are able to send a message to fellow group members whether you are individually connected to them or not.
Having a strong network on LinkedIn can give you the satisfaction of helping others to achieve their goals, while achieving your own goals at the same time. Would that be worth connecting with some people you haven’t gotten to know yet?
Have a marketing question? Send me an email to, also don't forget to check out to learn more about our LinkedIn Live networking events.
Chris Kokalis
CKME Group Inc.
414-755-2410 Milwaukee Office
310-492-5058 LosAngelesOffice
Edited by Brenda Bernstein,
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