Sunday, May 31, 2009

CKME Marketing Tips 101: What's your LinkedIn success story?

Many people have stories about how LinkedIn has helped them or their business. Here's mine:

A good friend of mine, Katie Felten, introduced me to LinkedIn in July 2007. I dutifully set up a profile and did not do much more. It wasn't until early 2008 when I realized how many people I knew were also on the site. That’s when I began putting more time and energy into building my network.

From then on I have been hooked.

I have been able to connect with and help hundreds of people because of the tools LinkedIn provides. For example, in April I opened a CKME Group office in Los Angeles. I built a networking base of over 500 business connections in the LA area before I even arrived in the city. That foundation allowed me to jump start things in LA. If it weren't for LinkedIn, I may not have been able to start a successful branch of CKME in a city over 2000 miles away. Another example is my connection with the new editor of my blog, Brenda Bernstein (The Essay Expert). We are helping each other: she edits for me and I give her valuable marketing advice.

LinkedIn can do amazing things for you and your business -- but always remember it's about helping other people first. If you help enough people, good things will start happening. In my situation and for many others, that's the power of LinkedIn.

What's your LinkedIn success story?

Have a marketing question? Send me an email to, also don't forget to check out to learn more about our LinkedIn Live networking events.

Chris Kokalis
CKME Group Inc.
414-755-2410 Milwaukee Office
310-492-5058 LosAngelesOffice

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